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Certify your members and students

Delivering professional exams is important – important for your reputation as an Awarding Body as well as to your bottom line. With Speedwell’s eSystem, you can create professional exams in minutes and save time with automatic marking. You can choose whether to deliver assessments securely online or use traditional paper exams.

And your candidates can get immediate feedback on their online exam performance too.

The eSystem streamlines the assessment process and ensures you stay in control every step of the way – giving you confidence that your assessments are professional, world-class exams.


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Read relevant blogs and articles from Speedwell

Image of some steps with an accessibility ramp. Used for a blog on accessibility in assessment

Empowering Every Learner: The Importance of Accessibility in Assessment

Understanding Assessment Accessibility Within education, accessibility for all is crucial. Consideration must be given to the wide range of needs and challenges some students may face. Assessment is no exception. Exams are built on the fundamental principle of fairness. All candidates should expect equal opportunities to demonstrate their knowledge and abilities regardless of background or […]

Doctor and student using VR in what could be an OSCE exam demonstrating innovations in OSCE

Innovations in OSCE: Technology and Simulation in Medical Education

The Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) has become a staple in medical education, since its inception over 40 years ago. A recent article; ‘The art of reinvention: the remarkable longevity of the OSCE’[1] examines how OSCEs have continually adapted to meet the changing needs of medical education to endure as a popular assessment method. Taking […]

LMS vs Exam Software comparing apples and oranges, picture of a person holding an apple and an orange.

Exam Management Software vs. Learning Management Systems: Understanding the Key Differences

Exam Management Software vs. Learning Management Systems In recent years, a significant digital transformation has occurred in education and assessment. Resulting in a proliferation of technology-driven solutions for delivering educational programs and conducting examinations online. As a result, we increasingly face the question: ‘What is the difference between your exam management software and a learning […]

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