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What is a Nursing OSCE?

The OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination) is a widely used assessment in medical education. It’s used in all disciplines from undergraduate doctors and dentists to pharmacists and nurses. It is designed to test clinical knowledge in a structured and standardised manner and is often considered the gold standard in assessing practical skills. A nursing OSCE […]

Image of a stephoscope. With a label of Medical School Admissions, Blog banner for a blog about MMIs

What are Multiple Mini Interviews (MMIs)? Exploring their Role in Medical School Admissions

The stakes are high when selecting future medical professionals. Medical schools must ensure their recruitment and assessment practices are fair and robust. Fortunately, they have access to a variety of assessments designed to meet this need. One of the first assessments that potential medical students might encounter is the MMI (Multiple Mini Interview). This article […]

Image of some steps with an accessibility ramp. Used for a blog on accessibility in assessment

Empowering Every Learner: The Importance of Accessibility in Assessment

Understanding Assessment Accessibility Within education, accessibility for all is crucial. Consideration must be given to the wide range of needs and challenges some students may face. Assessment is no exception. Exams are built on the fundamental principle of fairness. All candidates should expect equal opportunities to demonstrate their knowledge and abilities regardless of background or […]

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