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Hi I’m Trish from Speedwell

In this clip we’ll see how users can have different permissions and access within the Speedwell eSystem.

Questions View

User Smith has signed in and can access all different banks and use all the different functions within the Speedwell eSystem. Here we can see all the questions in the group structure below. And Smith can create all the different types of new question as well as blueprinting the bank and filtering questions within the bank.

Under actions, Smith can open, delete, clone and manage the groups of existing questions as well as the banks.

Exam Screen

Switching to exams now, Smith can create new MCQs as well as new OSCES. For existing exams, under actions, Smith can open, delete, clone, manage the groups of exams and also blueprint and monitor live exams.

New Sign In Screen

I’m going to sign Smith out and sign in a new user, Jones, who handles exams up to the point they go live. We’ve limited the number of questions Jones can see by restricting access to certain banks and for existing questions, Jones can only open questions to read them so only very minimal access and permissions there.

Exams Screen

Looking at exams now, Jones can create new exams both MCQ and OSCE. And for exiting exams Jones can open them, clone them, manage the groups and blueprint, but not monitor live exams.

I hope you found this clip useful, for more information on user permissions and access or to book a free demo, please contact us at