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Using Multiple Answer questions in the eSystem.

In this clip I’ll create a multiple answer question.

I’ve created a new multiple answer question,  it’s still in draft mode so I can edit it, and I’ve added some content including question text and a title, and I’ve added 5 choices.

The maximum number of responses allowed defaults to 2 which is what I want, but I could change that number in here.

I’ve switched those 2 correct answers on, up here. I’ll leave the scoring method as standard. The score per correct response can be set in here.  I have left it as 1 but I could change it in here if I wanted to.

So I have 2 responses with a standard scoring method of 1, giving the highest possible score of 2 for this question.

Depending on your scoring system, you can add negative marks or a pass mark in here. Previewing the question shows what the candidate will see – the text at the top and the choices below.

The candidate can choose a maximum of 2 choices – they’ll get an error if they tried to switch on the 3rd.  So to change their choices they’d need to deselect and re select like this.

I can also weight my choices in a multiple answer question. I’ve edited my question. I still have 2 responses as a maximum, but I switched on choice weighting now, and you’ll notice that the incorrect score option has disappeared from the bottom.

I’ve checked 4 possible correct answers and a score box beside will show the weighting.

Choice 2 is now worth 2 points and choice 3 is now worth 2 points.

Choice 1 is partially correct so that’s only worth a point and choice 4 is partially correct and that’s worth another 1 point.

The 5th choice is not correct, it’s a distractor and it has a score of 0.

The candidate can enter a maximum of 2 responses here,  with choice weighting they can enter a choice worth 2 points, another choice worth 2 points, giving them the highest possible score of 4.

The preview shows that the candidate can still enter a maximum of 2 choices. This combination would give the candidate 3 points, whereas this combination would give the candidate the highest possible score of 4 points.

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