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In this clip, I will be giving marker feedback on a completed written exam.

The completed exam has some short written answer and essay-type questions.  As well as giving them a score, I know the markers left annotated and general comments for each candidate.   I would like to give that feedback to the candidates.

I could do this in a report with email or pdf options, but, I’m going to choose an online candidate feedback report. It’s not going to have a time limit, so I don’t need to fill in the date range. I’m not going to change the header,

Must-pass criteria and groups are covered in other clips. For the marker’s feedback, I would like to show a general comments table.

From the available columns, I’ve chosen “question title” and “feedback”. I’d like to display the annotated feedback each marker left when they marked the questions.

I won’t show the marker names, I will show the question. I won’t show the general comments, as these are already showing in the general comments table, using feedback here.

If I don’t want to show the question score with the annotated feedback, I could switch it off like this, but I will leave it switched on.

Once I save this, it’ll be available for the candidates to see online. When a candidate signs in to delivery, as well as seeing any exams that are ready to take, they can also see any feedback reports I’ve set up.

In the feedback report, they see the candidate details, the exam details, the score, the exam grade and the number of questions.

In the marker’s feedback, here’s the general comments table, showing the question title I switched on, and the feedback the examiner gave, as a general comment.

Below that for annotated feedback,  as well as the question I chose to display, we can see the candidate’s answer, and I also switched on the score.

This candidate scored 3/3 for this question. In the candidate answer, we can see that marker 1 highlighted some text, in green, and attached a note to that.

Marker 2 pinpointed some text from the candidate answer, in blue, and attached a note to that pinpoint. Markers can make multiple annotations when marking.

The candidate can scroll down and see every question which has been marked and annotated by examiners, giving them comprehensive, qualitative feedback on the written exam they have just taken.

You can find other useful eSystem clips on our channel. Below are links to some other videos in the feedback series.

Providing OSCE station feedback

Providing Online candidate feedback